What will Christmas 2020 look like for us in Singapore? It has been a hard year for so many and we have all had to find our own ways to respond while thoroughly unprepared for what has come along. In the midst of calendar tetris for the end of the work year, I remembered with fondness a family session from last December. The Kwongs are like the treasured friend you see once a year and feel like no time has lapsed. Liz is an amazing family photographer herself, in addition to her day job, baking up a storm and dreaming up all sorts of fun activities with her children. I don’t say this enough - never is never enough - but I have always envied their resilience and determination to see the best in life. Somehow, revisiting these photos today made me remember what I admire about them, and reflect on how I have handled the time that has passed since these were taken. May the end of 2020 bring some relief for us all, and may we be able to gather with loved ones again next year.
