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Hello Baby Anouk | Singapore Newborn Photography

This sweet family has literally not been far from my thoughts for the last 2 months.  "You will be our first ever family photographer" ... these words came early in our communications, and created more than a little nervousness in me.  Two beautiful children, with one more on the way, and no impetus to hire a professional photographer until now!  

Some sneaky maternity photos and two newborn shoots later, I think we managed to get more than a few personal and intimate images to record this special time in all their lives.  In the short time that I have spent with this family, I can already tell that Anouk will be brought up in an environment full of laughter, play, earnest discourse and mutual understanding.  I particularly love the energy and joy that her siblings have for life, and the calm and inclusive way in which her parents engage the children.  Hopefully some day I will be lucky enough to see how she has grown, and how her siblings have matured into their roles.

Just as I was their introduction to family and newborn photography, they were also exactly what I was looking for to trial a new little endeavour of mine ... Please check out this little clip of stills and motion from their in-hospital session, when Anouk was but a young 'un of 12 hours!  Highlights from their in-home session are just below that.

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